Database Control Pro Documentation
Version 1.0.0 onwards

Contents > Using the Setup Window > Setting up a Project
Setting up a Project

The Setup Window must be used to Setup your project before you can use Database Control Pro. There is a more detailed explaination of setting up your project here.

First you need to open the Setup Window, go to the Top Menu Bar, Database Control Pro, Setup Window.

Next you need to find and enter your invoice Id and hit 'Setup'.

The setup window should now be checking your invoice Id and retrieving information about your account from our server. If it is your first time, it will be creating an account for you. After this short wait, Database Control Pro should be setup in your project. If you have any problems please contact us.
Your account data will be stored in your project and checked with every request made for security. But, when you build your project, your invoice Id will not be included, because if anyone found it they could gain access to your Database Control Pro account.