Database Control Pro Documentation
Version 1.0.0 onwards

Contents > Using the Sequencer Window > Planning a Command Sequence
Planning a Command Sequence

Before you start creating your Command Sequence, you should always plan it first.

If you are confident with Command Sequences, you could draw a quick diagram of your database and identify where different pieces of information should be stored.

If you are new to Command Sequences you might want to outline look at the Command Sequences used in the demo scenes. The first thing to think about is the Input Variables you sequence will have and the result you want to get out of the sequence. Then you can fill in the gaps thinking about variables and the different Commands available to achieve this.

The fewer Commands you use the better. The Get Data and Set Data Commands have the highest demands, especially if you are using them inside a For Command. You can use If Commands to prevent to prevent Get Data and Set Data Commands from running when they don’t need to. For example, when logging in a user you could iterate through every row in the database and use two Get Data commands to get the username and password and then check them. This could be improved by checking the username before you use Get Data to get the password, this means if the username is wrong, the second Get Data Command will not be run to retrieve the password.

At a last resort, we might be able to help you writing your Command Sequence. Contact us at or ask us a question through the Bug Reporter Window.