Database Control Pro Documentation
Version 1.0.0 onwards

String Ops Command

The StringOps Command provides three simple string operations to perform on your strings. You can use set strings or variable values.

The Command name can be anything you like, it makes no difference when the sequence is run and is purely for organisation purposes.

The 'Command Type:' line reminds you of the Command Type as you might choose not to put it in the Command's name.

The remaining properties are specific to this Command Type.


Operations - The three simple string operations. 'Concat' joins the two strings together (the first string followed by the second string) to form a larger string, 'ToUpper' makes all of a string's characters uppercase and 'ToLower' makes all of a string's characters lowercase.

Result Variable Name - The variable name of the variable to store the string result as.

String One - The first/only string to perform the operation on.

String Two (if 'Concat' selected) - The second string to perform the operation on.