Database Control Pro Documentation
Version 1.0.0 onwards

For Command

The For Command acts as a simple for loop.

The Command name can be anything you like, it makes no difference when the sequence is run and is purely for organisation purposes.

The 'Command Type:' line reminds you of the Command Type as you might choose not to put it in the Command's name.

The remaining properties are specific to this Command Type.


'<' or '<=' - This determines the condition which all iterations of the loop must satisfy. If the condition is not met the loop stops. If ' <' is selected then the loop will stop when the iterating number is not less than the End Number. If ' <=' is selected then the loop will stop when the iterating number is not less than or equal to the End Number.

Start Number - This is the value of the Iterating Variable for the first iteration of the loop.

End Number - This is the value of last or one after the last iteration of the loop based on whether '<' or '<=' is selected.

Iterating Var Name - This is the name of the variable which has its value changed with each iteration of the loop. It can overwrite an existing variable or create a new one.

E.g. If '<=' is selected, the Start Number is 2 and the End Number is 5, the loop will be equivalent to 'for (int i=2; i <= 5; i++) {' in C# (where i is the Iterating Variable). This will cause iterations where i = 2, 3, 4 and 5.